Turkish-based studio GAD architecture’s project for a library in istanbul is a series of arcades making all the areas sacred places of refuge. looking like a huge white cave, the library’s structure consists of shelves of various dimensions organizing and supporting the entire buildingin GAD’s library, there are no traditional window frames— the light comes from above and the sides creating mysterious rays and shadows. meanwhile, the interior glow produced from the diffusion and refracting of light is consistent all year round, so the library is operational in every season. the most rigid and permanent dimension in the architecture is the stair riser — its multiples serve the basis for sizing all other elements. following this order, shelves are stacked and combined creating naturally perfect and comfortable structures defining rooms and openings, such as door frames. the developments in construction and media technologies along with additional program, functions, and responsibilities of libraries and librarians are taken into account and applied as a pure and simplified concept, even on the level of structural details such as columns, brackets, and railings. the main building material is a clear, ultraviolet free composite that transfers additional lighting throughout the interiors.